How to make a payment

To make payments into your building society account, use these details:

Sending Faster Payments, Standing Orders, CHAPS and BACS

For paying into a Savings Account or paying your Mortgage
The name you enter should match the name on your account with us. If you’re paying into a personal account, use your first and last name. If you’re paying into a business account, use the business name registered on the account.
Sort Code
For paying into a Savings Account, please use
For paying your Mortgage, please use
Account Number
For paying into a Savings Account or paying your Mortgage, please

Use only the first 8 numbers of your existing 10 digit account number

You can find your 10 digit account number in your passbook, recent letters from us or by logging into your online account. Please make sure to use the first 8 digits of your most recent account number. Bear in mind, this may not be the one you were originally issued with.
For paying into a Savings Account or paying your Mortgage

Use your own choice of reference

We recommend using your 10 digit account number

We now use Confirmation of Payee (CoP) which means your details will go through a name checking service when you send money to a Leeds Building Society account. This helps prevent misdirected payments and potential fraud meaning you’re more protected when making payments. 

Please be aware if you attempt a bank transfer within 24 hours of account opening you may receive notification that the account details can’t be validated by the bank or building society you are attempting the transfer from. Before continuing please ensure you’ve entered the details correctly or alternatively, you may want to use the debit card option where available.

For most new accounts, you can deposit up to £50,000 as a debit card payment, although your bank may restrict you to a lower amount and the account you’re opening might also have a maximum deposit limit.

For maximum deposit limits, please see the balances stated in your product terms and conditions.

Take extra care with your account details

It’s always important to take extra care when it comes to sharing your account details. Whilst you may receive a letter from us about changes to your sort code and paying in details, please be alert to the possibility of banking scams from elsewhere.

  • Never share your secure details (such as user name or full password) with anyone.
  • Never send any confidential account information via email or phone – we will never ask you to do this.
  • Never transfer your money out of your account at the request of an unknown caller. We will never ask you to do this over the phone or by email. If you’re unsure, please call us on 03451 960 790.
  • Never let someone you don't know access your computer or mobile devices, especially remotely.
  • Don't click on any links in suspicious emails or text messages, delete them from your computer and block the sender’s email address and phone number.
  • Don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed – these criminals are clever at tricking and reassuring you.
  • Be suspicious of any unexpected calls, texts or emails from third parties asking for personal information.
  • Think twice before sharing personal information on social media sites and check your privacy settings. The more private, the safer you are.

If you get an email asking you to change your paying in details that’s not from – or you’re worried it may be a scam – then please get in touch with us on 03451 960 790.